A conduit for sustainable business solutions

At Yoop Consulting LLC, we believe that collaboration is key to addressing systemic problems. With the support of project management skills, business acumen, and a decade of experience in leading sustainability and supplier diversity, Yoop Consulting LLC is the right collaborator to support you in achieving your goals!

Working together to create vision, strategy, project plans, execute, and a legacy of sustained program success.

What We Offer

Through alignment of practical solutions with your organizational culture, together we develop strategic and tactical plans and provide project management support to advance your business through sustainable solutions. We aim to partner with individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations to meet their organizational goals.

  • One-on-one consulting and mentorship support for sustainability professionals.

  • Content creation, ghostwriting, and sustainability reporting support.

  • As a subject matter expert in the field of sustainability, supplier diversity development, and supply chain integration, to support your program and projects.

Building Bridges

Yoop Consulting LLC acts as a conduit and facilitator of system change with practical solutions to business operations. Collaboration is key to creating change and at Yoop Consulting LLC, we prioritize solutions that improve humanity, the environment, economic resiliency, equity, and community engagement. Examples include materiality assessment and stakeholder engagement.

Making Waves

Creating change requires action. At Yoop Consulting LLC, we help curate goals, align commitments with implementation strategies, offer insight into supporting local businesses in your community, and recommend capital investments to improve operations while lowering your carbon footprint.

Planting Roots

System change begins with structural changes to business practices. With a focus on supplier diversity and environmental initiatives, this includes the development of program structure, strategy, policies, goals, program management, project implementation, and reporting.

Interested in learning more about how we can collaborate? Provide your contact information and a little about your request. We look forward to connecting!